Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yesterday at College...

Four years seems like a hazy dream. I entered 'PSG Tech ECE' as my first preference in Counselling yesterday. Stood in a queue, waiting to meet my Principal yesterday. Told 'Hi.. En peru Arun... Neyveli-lerndhu varaen... Nee?' yesterday. Fixed those non existent bulbs and taps when ragged yesterday. Completed that Engineering Graphics assignment yesterday. Won that Chill out Quiz yesterday. Enjoyed that Ooty IV yesterday. Got 'Team disqualified' in 'Intrams' yesterday. Went to that B'lore IV yesterday. 'Freshers' was yesterday. Overslept and lost attendance yesterday. Played in that 'Aalangatti mazhai' yesterday. The CSK Vs DC match at Chepauk was yesterday. Sat bewildered, thinking 'Oru mannum puriya matengudhu' in 'Signals and Systems' class yesterday. Did those PSG FM programmes yesterday. Scraped through that 'Antennas and Propagation' paper yesterday. Submitted those 'Yaaroda Code nae theriyala da' codes as my own code yesterday. The Kurukshetra and Pragyan trips were yesterday. 'Plan-B' was yesterday. Bunked that LP VLSI internals and went to movie yesterday. Bid goodbye to my seniors yesterday. Opted out of placements yesterday. Fought with about thirty hands for that one 'Uthappam' yesterday. Walked all night, sitting and chatting around everywhere on the 'Batch day' yesterday. Munched 'osi' buns at NMB yesterday. Happily saw my friends getting placed yesterday. Was left pondering 'What could have been...' after my friends got Internship offers and left me yesterday. Completed the Project Viva yesterday. 'Farewell' was yesterday. And told a hundred 'Bye machi... Will miss you da..'s yesterday. Sitting in my room restlessly, all alone, unwilling to pack up and unwilling to leave this place today... Missing those yesterdays... Missing my college...

Missing all my BZs. :(